Archive | March, 2012

Traveller Solidarity Network Info Tour in North East

10 Mar
Many Gypsies, Roma and Travellers face harrasment and repression and suffer forced evictions for who they are, and for leading the lifestyle they have lived for centuries

The Traveller Solidarity Network, is touring the country throughout the month of March to build links between local settled people and Traveller sites. A short film of interviews which discusses current Gypsy and Traveller struggles will be shown. The talks aim to develop an understanding of different forms of oppression that Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities experience, in areas such as day to day discrimination, housing law, land rights and evictions.

Subjects to discuss will include ways forward after Dale Farm for the
new network resisting the oppression of Travellers, and strategies for local support for GRT communities facing eviction and prejudice in the area. We hope to include voices from a range of established GRT organisations, and groups currently engaged in a wide range of related struggles, and we are keen to collaborate with local groups in organising these meetings.

There are 2 dates for the Tour in the north east:

Traveller Solidarity Network Info Tour – Newcastle – Friday 16 March, 6pm, St Johns Church Hall, Grainger Street, Newcastle, NE1 5JG

Traveller Solidarity Network Info Tour – Durham – Saturday 17 March, 6pm Alington House, 4 North Bailey, Durham, supported by the People’s Bookshop, Durham

For more information about the Traveller Solidarity Network, see